中文名称 :英国中国投资者协会
英文名称: UK Chinese Investors Association – UKCIA
网站: www.ukcia.org.uk
地址:1st Floor. 3 More London, Riverside, UK SE1 2RE
1. 组织的“公平性”,协会的决策机构是理事会。理事会本着公正、公平、公开的原则负责协会的运营管理。
2. 组织的“互助性”,以投资移民为主体(会员入会介绍制)或者投资于英国的个人或机构的的组织。是达到互帮互助、信息分享、交流联谊的目的。
3. 组织的“非营利性”,原则上不接纳任何有直接利益关系的人和企业入会(有些可作为顾问)。根据组织成员相对有共性的实际需求,与服务商或供应商进行交涉,提高整体议价能力,为会员争取利益最大化。
4. 组织的“合作性”,在大家互相了解和建立基本互信的基础上,整合各方资源,本着由小到大、从易到难、自由组合、合作共赢”的原则,寻找合作与众筹的项目。
5. 组织的“可持续性”,初期主要是依靠收取会费,也包括收取一定的赞助费。未来合作项目盈利后,可考虑部分资金用于组织运营的活动费用。
旅居英伦17年, 目前从事中英科技,地产投资,教育文化交流,在伦敦创立了中国英国投资者协会,任执行会长。创立了中英文化促进会, 任执行主席。
Ben Xia has set up the UK Chinese Investors Association in London since 2015.
As CEO of UKCIA, Ben has been organizing investment in properties, finance area, trade and education in UK and Cyprus.
Ben has great connections in China government and Chamber of commerce in different cities like Yiwu, Daqing, Tianjin, Wuxi and Zhuhai.
In the last few years, Ben has been met by the Chinese government leaders like President Xi JIngpin, Premier Wen jiabao, Premier Zhurongji etc.
As Deputy secretary of Zhisland International UK, Ben has promoted UK and Cyprus property and other business within it’s 26 branches in China and 220K members.
Sam’s interest in East Asia started in childhood when he would regularly visit Liverpool’s Chinatown to experience Chinese food and culture. It was combination of this and the medium of Hong Kong films that kindled a deep appreciation of Chinese philosophy, culture and arts.
After completing his secondary education at Birkenhead School, he went on to study a BA (Joint Honours) in Chinese and Japanese Studies at Leeds University during which he also studied at National Chengchi University and Kansai Gaidai University, Japan. After graduating, he obtained a scholarship to study at National Taiwan Normal University.
His initial career started with Evergreen Marine Corporation in London where he focused on assisting them with the purchase and management of their property portfolio. Later he moved to financial services where he has built up over 20 years’ experience in areas such as regulated investment advice, wealth management, business development for Tier 1 (Investor) Visas, (Entrepreneur) Visas and client on-boarding.
Sam also holds an MBA from Warwick Business School, is Chartered Wealth Manager and a Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute for Securities and Investment
He has a strong interest in immigration to the UK, UK- China cross-border relations, the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s global influence and the impact of technology on industry and society. He is an enthusiastic of supporter British innovation working collaboratively with international partners such as China and sees the UKCIA as playing a key role in this area.
Chinese President Mr Xi Jinpin met with Ben Xia
UK Minister of Department of International Trade met with Ben Xia
Former Chinese Premier Mr Wenjiabao met with Ben Xia
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